Global Themes
Change: Cycles and Transformations - Sixth Grade
What are cycles and where do they appear in our world?
Students will understand...
- Where cycles exist in culture
- Where cycles exist in the environment
- Where cycles exist within themselves
What are the costs and benefits of change?
Students will understand...
- How to predict and evaluate the outcomes of changes
- That with any change comes gains and losses
- That perspective influences perception of change
How do I create change?
Students will understand...
- How to identify and use available resources
- How to create personal goals for change
- That to create change, a commitment to a process is necessary
Character & Identity - Eighth Grade
Who am I and who am I becoming?
Students will understand...
- How various influences affect their identity and character
- How personal choices shape identity and character
- How identity is expressed
What is character?
Students will understand...
- How character is formed
- How character is expressed
- How character is judged
What is group identity?
Students will understand...
- How group identity is created
- How group membership affects point of view
- How one maintains individual identity as a group member
Communities and Individuals - Fourth Grade
What makes a community?
Students will understand...
- How communities develop and evolve
- That there are similarities and differences within and among communities
- That diversity enhances a community
- How needs are met within a community
- The interdependence of communities
What is my role as a community member?
Students will understand...
- The privileges, rights, and responsibilities of community membership
- How people shape and are shaped by groups
- The need for balance between individuality and group identity
- How to work effectively in groups
Communication - Fifth Grade
How does communication occur?
Students will understand.....
- That there are many different ways, forms, means to communicate
- Factors that influence communication
- How to communicate effectively
What are the purposes of communication?
Students will understand.....
- That communication is used for a variety of purposes
- The importance of communicating ideas clearly
Conflict and Harmony - Seventh Grade
What is conflict?
Students will understand...
- How to recognize different types of conflict
- That conflict often leads to change
What is harmony?
Students will understand...
- Where harmony exists in the world
- How harmony can be achieved and sustained
What is my role in creating both conflict and harmony?
Students will understand...
- How to resolve conflicts
- How to recognize the importance of mutual respect and sensitivity in creating harmony
Time and Space
How am I an inheritor of the past and a shaper of the future?
Students will understand...
- How one’s time and place influence one’s perception
- How to make responsible decisions today that respect our past and protect our future
What are the effects of technology on time and space?
Students will understand...
- How technology has changed our lifestyles
- That technology has bridged some distances and created others
How do time and space vary among cultures?
Students will understand...
- That different cultures perceive time and space in different ways
Work and Wellness
What defines work?
Students will understand:
- how producers and consumers contribute to work
- that there are many kinds of work
- that energy is needed for work
What does it mean to be healthy?
Students will understand:
- that choices affect wellness
- that there are many types of health
- that there are obstacles to wellness
How are work and wellness connected?
Students will understand:
- that a healthy world requires work
- how work influences well being
- that perspective shapes work
4: Communities & Individuals
5: Communication
6: Change: Cycles & Trans.
7: Conflict & Harmony
8: Character & Identity
(Reorganized in 2012 so each grade level has year-long theme. Previously every grade explored the same theme each trimester)
-Change: Cycles and Transformations
-Character & Identity
-Communities and Individuals
-Time and Space
-Conflict and Harmony
-Change: Cycles and Transformations
-Character & Identity
-Communities and Individuals
-Time & Space
-Work & Wellness
-Communities & Individuals
-Change: Cycles & Transformations
-Character & Identity
-Time & Space
-Conflict and Harmony
-Communities & Individuals
-Change: Cycles & Transformations
-Work & Wellness
-Character & Identity
-Time & Space
-Conflict & Harmony
-Communities & Individuals
-Change: Cycles & Transformations
-Work & Wellness
-Time & Space
-Conflict & Harmony
-Change, Cycles & Transformations
-Character & Identity
-Communities & Individuals
-Time & Space
-Conflict & Harmony
-Change, Cycles & Transformations
-Character & Identity
-Communities & Individuals
-Time & Space
-Conflict & Harmony
-Time & Space
-Character & Identity
-Communities & Individuals
-Time & Space
-Conflict & Harmony
-Communities & Individuals
-Change: Cycles & Transformations
-Time & Space
-Conflict & Harmony
-Love in a Time of Cholera
-The Search for Meaning
-Where Are My Car Keys