Confidentiality of Student Records

The Marblehead Charter School is committed to the protection of student, parent, and staff personal information. It recognizes its responsibility to safeguard the privacy of its students, staff, and their family. It is essential that Marblehead Charter employees who are entrusted with confidential student, family, and staff information keep this information confidential.

It is the responsibility of the Marblehead Charter employees to protect student, family, and staff confidential information collected or maintained by the school from release or misuse. The confidential information includes, but is not limited to:

  • student or staff number
  • phone numbers
  • social security number
  • birth information
  • disability status
  • ethnic category
  • home language
  • lunch/financial status
  • medical information
  • contact information
  • family information
  • legal alerts
  • grades
  • discipline records
  • certain kinds of payroll information

Confidential information is to be accessed and discussed only in relation to an employee's job responsibilities and only with other authorized personnel.

Confidential student or staff information should not be given to non-authorized Marblehead Charter personnel or to people not employed by the Marblehead Charter School without the written consent of a supervisor. Email of confidential information is prohibited. Click here to view Marblehead's email communication guidelines.

Marblehead Charter employees may not use or disclose any such information for personal gain, nor reveal it to anyone outside of the school at any time during or after their employment, except as permitted or required by law or as authorized by the individual or in the case of a minor, with the consent of a parent or guardian.

Marblehead Charter employees should promptly report any violation of this policy they become aware of to the principal, Director of Student Services, . The strictest standards of confidentiality must be maintained at all times.