Unit Exhibition Overview-Planning
Unit Expectations:
Template of Exhibition Overview
All instruction and assessment must be driven by the standards, including Exhibition projects.
It is expected that there will be at least one authentically integrated performance assessment each term; grade levels may choose to do more.
Only one integrated Community Service Learning project per year is required, however grade levels may choose to pursue more than one.
Integration that involves more than one teacher is highly valued.
Less is more; do a few things well.
The overview should include:
- the standards that drive the project
- a description of the project
- what the students will learn (topics, skills, habits)
- how they will learn it
- why they are learning it
- how what they’ll do/learn connects to other subjects and/or the global theme
- what the students will do or create (the evidence of their learning)
- what role(s) the students will assume
- the requirements for an oral presentation that explains:
- what they learned
- how they learned it
- how it’s connected to other topics/skills and/or the global theme
- why it’s all important
- a rubric(s) for all components of the project
- a calendar indicating the due dates for all subjects & projects
Lesson Expectations
Summary of the Big Ideas
1. All lessons should be driven by the standards.
2. The learning experiences should enable the diverse students in the classroom to access the curriculum.
3. Some method of assessment should be employed throughout the lesson to enable you to determine if the children have learned the intended content/skills.
1. Objective(s) - on the board
2. Agenda - on the board
3. Vocabulary – visible to students (on the board, a poster, handout, etc.)
4. Hands-on, student centered learning experiences
5. An assessment of learning (formative or summative)
6. Accommodations and/or differentiation
Some Detail
Objectives: identify content and language objectives
· Content Objective (All teachers):
o Describe what the students will do/learn during the day’s lesson.
· Language Objective: (SEI trained teachers)
o List the reading, writing, listening, &/or speaking skills that will be incorporated into the lesson.
All objectives should be:
1. achievable within the lesson and driven by the standards
2. written on the board
3. identified at the beginning of class, referenced throughout the lesson, and restated at the end of the class
Sample Lesson Plan Format (for 45-minute class)
- If you’re using a different format, you are welcome to use that instead.
Hook: (1-3 minutes)
Describe what you will do to get the students interested in the lesson
and/or how you will help them to access prior knowledge.
Direct Instruction: (5-10 minutes)
Teach/model what the students are expected to learn during
the lesson. If you’re on talking for more than 10 minutes, you’ve probably
talked too much.
Guided Practice: (5-10 minutes)
Describe what the students will do to convince you that they understand
what was taught.
· You need to know who gets it and who doesn’t. Keep in mind that one student answering correctly does not mean that all of the students understand.
· This can be done as individuals, pairs, small groups, etc.
Independent Practice: (15-20 minutes)
Define what the students will do to demonstrate that they have learned what you wanted them to learn.
· This should be the longest component of the lesson.
· This can be done as individuals, pairs, small groups, etc.
· Check for understanding as students work.
Wrap-up: (1 minute or less)
Restate the objective, acknowledge the learning that occurred
Exhibition Overview
View or Download a Sample Exhibition Overview. Your overview should include:
- List the student roles / occupations (ex. historian, actor, scientist)
- A description of the product or the final project
- The skill / content knowledge / standards required to complete the project
Blank Exhibition Calendar (word doc) to help you plan backwards.
You should provide paper copies of the calendar and overview as well as posting them on the web
Unit-Project Sites:
Trimester 1 2014:
- 4th Grade: Early Civilizations, Animal Documentaries
- 5th Grade: Medieval Faire
- 6th Grade: Graphics and Story
- 7th Grade: Infographics and Book Bloggers
- 8th Grade: Math in Society
Trimester 2 2014-15:
- 4th Grade: Ancient Egypt, Dragons, Number Project
- 5th Grade: Researching the Renaissance
- 6th Grade: Constellations and Colonies
- 7th Grade: Westward Progress, Maps
- 8th Grade: Memorial Project, Genetics
Trimester 3 2015:
- 4th Grade: Bridges, Greek Myths
- 5th Grade: Machine Project, Explorers
- 6th Grade: Solar Cars
- 7th Grade: Reformers, Sustainable Cities
- 8th Grade: Roller Coasters, Controversial Issues
Trimester 1 2013:
- Grade 4 Exhibition 1
- 5th Grade: Medieval Faire
- 6th Grade: Culture and Geography
- 7th Grade: Magazine Project
- 8th Grade: Math in Society
Trimester 2 2013:
- 4th Grade: Egyptology and Number Project
- 5th Grade: Renaissance
- 6th Grade: Atlas of Colonization
- 7th Grade: Magazine Project, Romeo & Juliet
- 8th Grade: Persistence of Memory and Tessellations
Trimester 3 2014:
- 4th Grade: Greece & Rome: Myth and Reality, Adaptable Animals
- 5th Grade: Age of Discovery
- 6th Grade: Showcasing the Revolution
- 7th Grade: Reform & Reformers, Bodies in Motion
- 8th Grade: I Think, Therefore I Am
Trimester 1 2011:
- 5th Grade: Medieval Faire
- 6th Grade: Exploring the Unknown
- 7th Grade: Book Bloggers and Baking Bread
- 8th Grade: Constitutional Convention
Trimester 2 2012:
- 4th Grade: Egyptology and Number Project
- 5th Grade: Renaissance
- 6th Grade: Atlas of Colonization
- 7th Grade: Magazine Project, Romeo & Juliet
- 8th Grade: Soldiers and Song and Tessellations
Trimester 3 2012:
- 4th Grade: Greece & Rome: Myth and Reality, Adaptable Animals
- 5th Grade: Age of Discovery
- 6th Grade: Showcasing the Revolution
- 7th Grade: Reform & Reformers, Bodies in Motion
- 8th Grade: I Think, Therefore I Am