MAP Meetings - This will be revised to reflect new Portfolio Protocol
Purpose - to empower the children by fostering self-determination
At MCCPS, we know that children are capable of demonstrating considerable self-awareness, and we believe that when they are given an opportunity to discuss themselves thoughtfully, that they can describe their strengths, their challenges, and their aspirations. Over the years, we have witnessed students acknowledge when a task or content area is too easy, and we have observed them recognize the aspects of school that cause them to falter. The students can certainly describe what they hope to be, dream of becoming, or wish to accomplish. Too often, however, the adults in a child’s life will discourage self-assessment by sugar-coating situations, placing blaming on others, or emphasizing effort over accomplishment. The MCCPS My Achievement Plan creates an opportunity for students to focus on what is important to them and to be supported in their efforts to achieve a meaningful goal. It is expected that each child, with his/her parent(s) and teacher, will establish ONE goal to be pursued. The goal must be something that can be supported by a teacher at school, and it must be intellectual, artistic, social, emotional, or physical in nature.
MAP Goal Template (File>Make a Copy)
Naming Convention: Nina Cullen-Hazmeh, Public Speaking, 15-16
The MAP is an individual learning plan that is developed collaboratively by the student, teacher, and parent/guardian to empower each child to identify and work toward achieving a learning goal that is important to him/her. During the MAP meeting, a goal will be selected and objectives will be defined.
- The goal:
- should be driven by the child's interest(s)
- must be something that the school and the home can support
- progress can be demonstrated/proven with evidence
- should be achievable within the school year
- The objectives should define how each member of the team will help the child accomplish the goal:
- What will the teacher do to help the child accomplish the goal?
- How will the parent support the child in the pursuit of the goal?
- What must the child do in order to achieve the goal?
Creating Smart Goals
S Specific
M Measurable (can track progress & provide evidence of completion)
A Attainable (given ability & scope) & Agreed Upon (student wants it)
R Realistic (can be supported by school & home)
T Timely (important right now), Tractable(manageable) & Time-based
(can be accomplished within 9 months)
Strategies for Achieving SMART Goals:
Write goals that are specific, measureable, achievable, realistic & timely.
1. Make the goal as specific as possible and express it in positive terms.
2. Determine how you will evaluate progress towards your goal. Be sure the goal is measurable and that you can actually support the student in his or her efforts
towards achieving the goal.
3. Be sure the goal is achievable. Do you have the resources necessary to assist the student in achieving the goal?
4. Realistic goals are achievable. Unrealistic goals are just dreams.
5. The due date for goals to be achieved is on or before the June 2011 MAPS meetings. Create action steps (objectives) for each participant that will support the
student in achieving his/her goal.
6. Share student goals with your teammates.
7. Assemble what you need to meet your objective for the students’ goals.
8. Reward students who accomplish their goals.
Other reminders:
- Give your schedule to your team and Pam Haley. Inclusion teachers should try to meet with children on Ed Plans so their plan may dovetail MAP goals.
- The teacher describing what he/she can do to support the goal first is very helpful, inspires the parent and kid help the kid and parent to be specific about what each will do to help achieve the goal should be a student goal, so work toward buy-in; kids are very good at articulating their areas of strength and where they are challenged doing a pre-meeting activity that helps kids think about the goals/objectives is very helpful.
- Don’t agree to do anything that isn’t good practice.
- Advisory teachers work with teammates to identify students who might need particular goals, and develop goals outside your content area
- Goals should be aligned with MCCPS Mission: intellectual, artistic, social, emotional, or physical
- The MAP meeting is not a traditional “parent meeting” - stick to the purpose of the meeting
- Watch the clock so you stay on time.
- Integrated arts teachers will be invited to meetings for students who desire an IA goal. They will attend whenever possible.
- Advisors may revised/adjust objects during the initial meetings.
- A new goal should be established each year. An old goal may be revised, extended.
- One goal per student. When this is accomplished, the achievement will be celebrated, and a new goal may be established.
Sample Goals and Objectives