Grade Scale

Scaling of Scores

Teachers may use fractions with various denominators or percentages to assess student work, but these raw scores (10/25 or 32/32 or 74%). In order to provide a clearer indication of achievement, however, each raw score will be translated into a scaled score of 4, 3, 2, or 1. The scaled score will be entered into the grade book and will be used when determining a student’s demonstrated level of understanding at the end of each term. Pluses and minuses may be used with some scaled scores to provide additional detail (no 1-, 1+, 4- or 4+). The expected level of performance will be 3 (meets expectations) for all assessments.

4 Grades for Assessments

4 – A scaled score of 4 indicates that the student’s work exceeded the expected performance level for the task.

3 - A scaled score of 3 indicates that the student’s work met the expected performance level for the task.

2 – A scaled score of 2 indicates that the student’s work approached the expected performance level for the task, but fell short.

1 – A scaled score of 1 indicates that the student’s work did not meet the expected performance level for the task.

To summarize:

· Student work/assessments will be categorized by the depth of understanding/degree of difficulty that is required of each assignment, project, or task. (i, d, c). This will be identified in the CUE Report. Work labeled as ‘c’ is most demanding/difficult and will be most useful in determining the final grade/level of understanding for the term.

· All student work will earn a scaled score of 4-3-2-1. A score of 3 will indicate that the quality of the work met the teacher’s expectations, and so communicates that the student did well/is on track to perform proficiently by the end of the term.

· Plusses (+) and minuses (-) will be used to communicate additional detail regarding the quality of the work produced. For example, a score of 2+ will communicate that the work nearly met the teacher’s expectations.

Letter Grades:

Because most of the 8th graders will be transitioning into high schools that use traditional letter grades, we recognize the need to help them understand how their work and habits will be graded beyond MCCPS. In the 8th grade only, the teachers will use a combination of scaled scores (4,3,2,1) and letter grades. Not all work will earn a letter grade; when applied, the letter grade will be for informational/instructional purposes only. At this time, it will not be recorded in the electronic grade book. A cumulative letter grade for the trimester will be reported in the comments section of the CUE report. This change to our grading practices is relatively new component of the transition process for 8th graders. Your comments, suggestions, and questions regarding any portion of this description of MCCPS practice is welcome and encouraged.